for the food processing industry
Düsseldorf . Deutschland
Peeling in Industrial Potato Peeling Factories - Necessity
or Luxury? The
large majority of industrial potato peeling factories, which
supply peeled potatoes to the catering industry, get along
with a modern carborundum peeling technology. The
DORNOW roller peeling machines provided with the DORNOW
micro fine-grain peeling technique
have been working for years in many factories. The potatoes
can leave these machines with a very smooth
surface. They have a very good appearance and will be
readily accepted even by critical cooks. The
DORNOW "Step-by-Step" (SBS) - K - plants, too, can
be provided, from plant II on, with a micro fine-grain tool. For
many potato peeling factories blade peeling is no necessity.
But is it, if applied, always a luxury investment? Before
answering this question, one must know something about the
ways of distribution and the marketing strategy of the
potato peeling factory using the blade peeling technology! A
peeling factory with short ways to the ultimate consumer
will generally get along with carborundum-peeled potatoes (by
means of micro fine-grain peeling). But
there are also good reasons that speak for an additional blade peeling. Our
recommendation for this case: Pre-peel the potatoes with the
above described appropriate carborundum peeling, i. e. some
85 to 90% of the peel waste is produced by carborundum.
Re-peel with suitable blade peeling: Some 10 to 15% of the
total peel waste of 100%. It
does not make sense to apply pure blade peeling without
having peeled before by means of carborundum. As for the
reasons we won't go into detail here.
The potatoes are vacuum-packed and are to be
preserved, by cooling, one week, if possible, for a longer
time. Here, a good blade peeling has proved itself, for the
peeled potatoes have - seen under the microscope - a
smoother surface. Thus, the keeping quality of the goods
will be increased. A prerequisite to that is, however, that
the blades are sharp and in perfect condition and the raw
material used for peeling is suitable. 2.
The peeled potatoes are packed by means of inert gas.
Here, we make reference to what we said under item 1. 3.
Blade peeling can also be used as a psychological
sales argument: "We are supplying peeled potatoes -
peeled by blade - like mum at home with her knife!" 4.
The additional blade peeling can be helpful if you
have to peel new and not yet ripened potatoes, because there
is no mature material available. Thus, you can largely avoid
unpleasant hardened spots on the potatoes after cooking... -
In many a year, due to certain weather conditions, those
factories which have no blade peeling facilities might have
trouble for some time. 5.
Blade peeling may also be taken into consideration by
"newcomers" who want to "distinguish"
themselves among their competitors in order to gain a
foothold on the market (see item 3.). How
should additional blade peeling look like ? DORNOW
offers two systems: 1.
continuously working "multi-blade-disc peeling machine
(MMS)". 2. The "SBS"-M
- blade peeling line, working in steps and fully
automatically. Some
assets of the plant:
capacities of the SBS - M - blade peeling lines range,
according to the number of connected peeling units, between
500 to 800 kg/hr (when feeding neatly pre-peeled potatoes). The
DORNOW "SBS" - M - Blade Peeling Plants are
ingenious systems made up of well-tried peeling units. Due
to their plain and efficient construction they are
economy-priced. Back
to our initial question: Blade peeling - necessity or luxury? You
see from the above reasons that an (additional) blade
peeling can be useful. It offers more possibilities, helps
open a larger sales area. Above all, it gives a fairly good
security after the new crop, when ripened potatoes are not
yet available on the market. You
will have to consider thoroughly, according to circumstances,
whether you should invest your money for an additional blade
peeling or not. In case of doubt, you should make sure that
such a system can easily be integrated in your peeling line.
paper contains non-committal notes. We do not lay claim to
completeness. Alterations reserved. DORNOW total on the Web: / Q28 E3 Dornow food technology GmbH,
Willstätterstr. 12,
D-40549 Düsseldorf - Germany, USt-Id.-Nr. DE119264470 |